Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Back in business

Well, I finally got all those beads, clasps, bead caps, etc. organized and my beading table cleared off. So today I made a new necklace and a bracelet for the 4th of July. The necklace is quite unusual, I think, in that it has a mixture of beading styles and techniques. I used different kinds of glass beads, pearls, chains, seed beads, bead caps, and a pendant with a vintage style picture behind an oval glass cabochon tile. Here is a picture of the necklace. I haven't photographed the bracelet yet.

Saturday is the next Farmer's Market and Artisan Fair here in Stephenville, so I plan on being there with my jewelry.  Saturday is also the day that my son, daughter-in-law, and grandson are coming for a visit.  Sunday afternoon we will barbeque on the grill and eat outside on the deck that evening--if we can stand the heat, that is.  So it will be a full weekend.  My next post I will get back on track discussing different kinds of gemstones.

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