Thursday, June 30, 2011

Amethyst, the Natural Guard Against Drunkenness

The finest quality Amethyst is medium to medium dark purple, reddish purple to bluish purple.  It is a variety of the mineral quartz and is considered a semi-precious stone.  Experts believe that its color is derived from its iron oxide content.  The name comes from various forms of the Latin word "amethystus", meaning "not drunk or intoxicated."  Those who have February birthdays call this their birthstone, and it is the wedding anniversary stone for the 4th and 6th years of marriage.  Amethysts are sensitive to heat, and long exposure to sunlight can fade their color. 

According to Greek mythology, Bacchus, the god of wine, was insulted one day by a mere mortal. He swore that the next mortal to cross his path would be attacked by his fierce tigers. Along came a beautiful maiden named Amethyst. Goddess Diana turned Amethyst into a beautiful statue of quartz to save her from the tigers claws. Remorseful, Bacchus wept tears of wine over the stone maiden, creating a lively purple stone.

Purple color has long been considered a royal color, so it is not surprising that amethyst has been so popular throughout history. Fine amethysts are featured in the British Crown Jewels and were also a favorite of Catherine the Great and Egyptian royalty. There is evidence that there existed jewels made of amethyst as early as 3000 B. C. in Egypt and in anterior Asia.

According to those who believe in the healing ability of gemstones, the amethyst magnifies psychic abilities and right-brain activity. It strengthens immunity, while energizing and purifying the blood. It also relieves headaches and improves blood sugar imbalance.

Amethyst Druzy Necklace with Oval Amethysts 
 and Small Peridots

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